United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley is a not-for-profit organization that believes every person in the Lehigh Valley deserves the opportunity for a good life. UWGLV focuses on the needs of children, family, and older adults in the areas of education, income, and health – the three building blocks for a strong, healthy Lehigh Valley. United Way raises investment dollars through employee workplace campaigns, corporate gifts, and individual donors. Raising over $10,000,000 every year, funds are distributed to qualified local non-profits who align with targeted goals for the community. UWGLV staff works closely with the non-profits and all programs are tracked and measured to ensure positive results. Nationally recognized United Way initiatives started in the Lehigh Valley including United Way Community Schools, Promise Neighborhood, TeenWorks, and Lehigh Valley Alliance on Aging (LVAA). Over 66,000 Lehigh Valley children, families, and older adults participate in the 73 programs included in United Way’s 2011-2014 Investment Plan. We invite everyone to be a part of the change and Live United. Together we can make a difference and build a stronger, healthier Lehigh Valley.
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